A Visit from God (To CCoA)

By Daniel Buckley

It was the night before Christmas, and a Church was prepared

To celebrate the birth of a savior by showing they cared; 

The tree was all lit and the garland was hung,

Making a stage appear as festive as the carols they sung;

The saints were resting on worn-out pew seats,

While children were bouncing awaiting the night’s treats; 

And Charity in her outfit, and I in my sweater,

Had started the service with a simple Christmas letter,

When out in the city something arose to our attention,

My heart drew to our surroundings—hoping this service a retention,

Away to the streets our thoughts quickly tossed,

The Spirit opened hearts and changed lives of the lost.

The Son in the lives of the transformed few

Gave hope to the saints that sat in the pews,

When, what to my wondering eyes should appear,

But God with His glory and angels singing clear,

A song of salvation, so alive and giving, 

I knew in a moment the lost can start living,

With a disease of worldliness that entraps and ensnares,

Yet God sent His Son and the Church practices, prepares;

To go out and serve and spread Christ’s love on the way!

To spread hope and love at stores—even Hometown Buffet!

To the places where people are and we have been placed

We go and share Jesus to the whole human race!

Our savior was a man that is glorious and alive;

When we believe in Jesus our faith really thrives, 

He gave up His life so we could join God,

In this life and heaven without Jesus it’s odd. 

Things get real tough even around Christmas time

Remembering God’s grace is the point of this rhyme.

As I looked to the future, and saw God’s reach grow and grow

A Church became a body that God’s love they did know.

All of this happens when we give God our resolves,

And serve Him in thoughts, actions and as the earth revolves;

A life with Christ is better than without,

The miracles we see erase all our doubts.

In God’s presence we rest and he takes all our pain,

Don’t leave tonight and brave the roads in the rain,  

Going without God and facing this world all alone,

And going on living and fighting the world unatoned;

After all He made the world and knows it better than all others,

Don’t think that you can figure out a world in belief of another,

God’s grace makes it better when we stumble and fall,

He catches and loves us and our mal-intent starts to stall.

So what is our thought on a night like tonight?

What makes a night like this end up like it’s right?

We draw close to God with our hearts opened up wide,

And we look at those right here allowing us to decide

To put God first and love Him and be in His grip;

Love Him at home, at work, and yes, even on a trip.

Let God transform your heart so you can see how He does, 

And your life will be filled with the greatest that ever was.

So I end this thought with a message to you,

Go with God when you get out of your pew;

Tell others you love them and care for them with God’s love 

And that they too can share in a gift from above.